Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Sketchbook

Every now and again, I get the urge to draw. My sketchbook is from Trillius Prime, back in the 22nd century, after we made first contact. I managed to acquire it for when I went hiking on the Tenaran Ice Cliffs. I did some sketches of various ice formations and vistas, but I wasn't particularly impressed with my results. Sure, they were memories, and I'm glad I drew them, but they lack the expression and imagination that I endeavor for.

It seems, then, that my imagination tends to lead me towards drawing scenarios with people... usually with me involved. The first sketch involved me and Charles. As you can see, I am standing with my hand on his shoulder as he is aiming a phase pistol at an unseen person or thing. Our gazes are both alert and wary. I am wearing a regulation Earth Starfleet uniform (it's in pencil, but I believe I intended the department stripes to be red, for Operations), and Charles is wearing his usual Imperial uniform, with the sword-and-earth insignia on the arm. I have an eye for detail, and I think the picture turned out well, for an amateur artist like myself. (I'm still not great with drawing hands, though... hmmm...)

The second picture, drawn not long after the first, was of myself and Chakotay. I have to admit, I did draw him a *little* younger than how he actually is... but since these are imaginings, I think I have a little leeway. The positioning is different - instead of being defensive, both figures are more relaxed. Chakotay is watching over me, with a hand on mine, and another on my upper arm. I still look alert, and perhaps a little doubtful, but at the time that I drew it, I wasn't exactly sure how things would work between the two of us. I made sure to get the badge detail for him (there are at least two different combadge designs for the mid-24th century), as well as the pips on the collar. My uniform, instead of being Ops, has the gold Command trim - and like before, I hold no rank. The uniforms are both quite different - lots of changes in two centuries - but somehow, they seem to complement each other... I think.

That was the last bit of sketching I did before coming to Voyager - it wasn't long after I fell for Chakotay that Enterprise went on shore leave, and my time was spent exploring San Francisco, my old homestead, and Erika's ranch. Then it was bustling off to Enterprise, and Vulcan. It's only now, after settling into more a more routine lifestyle on Voyager, that I return to my imaginings.

I have yet to get around to it, but I asked Shara if she could teach me some traditional Orion dances. She was ecstatic that I asked, and made sure to create a program... as well as an outfit for me. It's been a little while since I've worn something so... revealing, but I think it's going to be a lot of fun.
As a child, I was always walking on tiptoe, even before I took any sort of dancing lesson. I started ballet when I became a teenager, and continued with it until I graduated from high school. After that, I took ballroom dance, African dance, and modern Jazz in college - those were all very fun classes, and I kept myself in great shape because of them.
I am always eager to learn new things, especially new moves... especially new moves that might draw praise from a certain Commander. I tend to be a fast learner... and when I finally get around to a performance, I'll be sure to make his eyes pop! I don't know if the outfit Shara designed for me looks like this, but I think it would be very fun to have the Starfleet insignia as part of it - I do have a strange sense of humor sometimes. I also drew bracelets and anklets of bells, just to get that extra chiming in with my imagined movements, as well as a tambourine - I guess my mind goes towards belly dancers and gypsies from Earth's history, although I'm fairly sure I don't have either type of person in my bloodline.

At any rate, I'm sure that there will be more sketches to come, as they occur to me... I'm not sure how many people will see them, and I'm not a trained artist... but they amuse me, and sometimes give me insights into my subconscious - it was through comparing the drawings of me and Charles and me and Chakotay that I realized exactly how my subconscious read those relationships. Hell, if an android can express himself through paint, I can express myself through pencil.

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