Saturday, June 13, 2009

And Now, For a Survey Break...

OOC: This quiz has been done for many of Jean's old crew on Enterprise, so she figured she might fill it out sometime, too. Enjoy!


Name as it appears on your birth certificate? *winks* That's my secret.

Current name? Jean Laurel Pierce

Nicknames? Lie Detector - that's what the Commodork calls me. But Chakotay calls me Angel, and I like that better.

Parents' names? David and Vicki

Siblings? None.

Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 24

Date that you regularly blow them out? January 19

Pets? Lucio, my bioluminescent centipede. There's also a shapeshifting pet named Akelaa that likes to hang out with me.

Height? 5'4

Eye color? Green, with brown central heterochromia.

Hair color? Brown

Piercings? Two in each ear, though I rarely wear earrings.

Tattoos? Nope.

How much do you love your job? I love it - it's fantastic being out in space. And I love helping people, even though it takes an emotional toll on me sometimes.

Birthplace? Randolph, VT

Hometown? Randolph, VT

Current residence? Next door to Chakotay, on Voyager, in the Delta Quadrant. *grins*

College attended, degree? University of Vermont, Bachelor's in English. I have a way with words.

What kind of car do you drive? When I was back on Earth, I had a Saturn.


Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon bits!

Coke or Pepsi? Ugh. Neither.

Sprite or 7UP? See above.

Coffee or ice cream? Mmm, ice cream, any time of day.

Coffee, tea, or decaf? Tea, any kind.

Milk chocolate or dark? Both! It's chocolate!

Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn? Buttered, especially if it's peanut butter.

Red or white wine? White

Gold or silver? Silver - goes with more stuff.

Two or four doors? Four.

Bridges or tunnels? Definitely bridges.

Beach, city, or country? Country, especially if it's forest.

Summer or winter? Winter - I love snow! Grew up with it, been apart from it sometimes.

Storms: Cool or scary? Very cool, as long as the power doesn't go out.

Roller coaster: Scary or exciting? Very exciting! I can't remember the last time I've been on a roller coaster, but I'd love to go on one again. Holodeck, anyone?

James Dean or Clark Gable? Clark Gable, because of "Gone with the Wind"

Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn? Audrey Hepburn - I've even been told I look like her sometimes. *grins*

Beatles or Stones? Both, please! I love classic music.

Blanket or stuffed animal? Blanket as a little 'un, stuffed animals as I got older. *grins* No shame in that, I like cuddling.

One pillow or two? One

Adidas, Nike, or Reebok? The only shoe brand I care about is Converse.

Mac, PC, or Unix? I've been a PC girl my whole life, although I can convert to Mac.


Salad dressing? Creamy peppercorn

Salad? Something with lots of vegetables.

Pizza topping? Pepperoni

Foods? Medium rare steak, chicken satay with peanut sauce, and pretty much any kind of cheese.

Sandwich filling? Any sort of Italian meat, with provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, and green pepper.

Dessert? Peanut butter chocolate parfait, in a champagne flute with a long spoon.

Type of ice cream? Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby

Restaurant? There used to be a restaurant in my hometown called The August Lion. It closed before I graduated from high school, but it was a classy place - and they made the above-mentioned parfait. *grins*

Fast food place? KFC. Popcorn chicken, mmmm.

Drink, non-alcoholic? Tea, hot or iced.

Drink, alcoholic? Dark and Stormy (rum and ginger beer), or Romulan Ale, when I can get it.

Color of socks? Depends on what color outfit I'm wearing.

Shampoo or conditioner? *shrugs* I don't have much preference, though I suppose Herbal Essences might be nice, haven't had that in a while.

Toothpaste? Aquafresh - used to get a little tube in my stocking each Christmas.

Place to be kissed? Ooh, that's another secret. *grins*

Holiday? Halloween!

Color? blue

Car? The Tucker Torpedo - three headlights!

Day of the week? Saturday

Band/Artist? A 20th century artist named Joe Jackson. His music just speaks to my soul.

Book? Anything by Stephen King.

Magazine? Meh, who needs magazines? Books are better.

Movie? *shrugs* "Amelie", probably. Got a fond spot for it.

TV show? CSI: Las Vegas or CSI: NY. Not Miami, ugh.

TV character? The Doctor!

Disney character? Sebastian from "The Little Mermaid" or the Genie from "Aladdin".

Warner Bros. character? Road Runner! Also, I feel sorry for the kitty that keeps getting seduced by Pepe le Pew.

Sesame Street character? Oscar the Grouch... don't ask me why, I guess because he seems to have a realistic attitude sometimes.

James Bond? Pierce Brosnan, at least for his first two films.

Quote? Audentes fortuna juvat - "Fortune Favors the Bold" It's a saying I've encountered a lot, and I tend to keep it in mind.

Word or phrase? "I love you." I can never get tired of hearing that.

Flower? Rose

Sport to watch? Anything that my friends are actually participating in. Otherwise, whatever, not really my thing.

Zoo exhibit? I'd rather not go to a zoo.

Board game? Chess - I wish I had played more with Malcolm while I was on the ship.

Town to chill in? Burlington, VT.

Perfume/Cologne? Nothing too overpowering... something spicy for a guy, and something fresh and flowery for a woman.

Website? Any sort of wiki website. I get lost in them.

Least favorite thing? feeling helpless, nightmares

Least favorite subject? Anything that I didn't take while I was in college.


Been in love before? Hell, I'm in love right now. *grins*

Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Oh yes... both happy tears, and sad.

Dumper or dumpee? Dumper... I'm a heartbreaker :(

What inspires you? Being in love, seeing new places, learning more about the universe.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Oh lord, I'm not even looking that far ahead. Just... happy. That's how I want to see myself.

What do you look for in a partner? A sense of humor, kindness, sweetness, a sense of honor and duty, intelligence, an open mind... and great eyes and smile. Especially the eyes... the right set of eyes make me melt.

What did you want to be when you grew up? A librarian, teacher, writer... something to do with knowledge.

What characteristics do you despise? Racism, the inability to listen, arrogance, cruelty...

If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to contact people? Not too long! I'd probably have some sort of party.

Where would you retire to? If I had my choice? Trillius Prime. It was beautiful, and intellectually stimulating. I'd want my mind to stay active.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No

Do you get along with your parents? I do... although I haven't seen them in a long while. I miss them.

Have you ever gone skinny-dipping? Nope... but there's always a first time. *winks wickedly*

Do you make fun of people? I tease... but I try not to be cruel.

Last person you went to dinner with? Chakotay... it was candlelit and romantic. *giddy smile*

What did you do for your last birthday? I honestly don't remember... I wasn't trashed... it just doesn't stand out in my mind.

Do you carry a donor card? No... but I suppose I should.


Had the drink Calypso Breeze? Um... no.

Been to Europe? yes

Been to Africa? No, but I hopefully will.

Been toilet-papering? Nope, I'm a good girl.

Been toilet-papered? See above.

Been in a car crash? Yes, twice. Totaled a Jeep the first time, second time knocked the bumpers off my Saturn. Nobody was hurt either time.

Lucky Number? Eight and Nineteen

Any superstitions? I keep the medal that I got from Charles on me at all times... it's a solid reminder of how brave I can be.

When was your last hospital visit? The past few days, I've been visiting Sickbay to look after Shara (she was in a coma), but she's awake now. I haven't really been sick lately.

First thing you think of when you wake up? Whoa... I'm here.

What color is your bedroom's carpet? Starfleet industrial gray

What color is your bathroom? White.

What's on your mouse pad? I left my mousepad back in 2009.

What's under your bed? My backpack from when I transferred to Voyager, and probably one of Akelaa's chew toys.

How many times did you fail your permit and/or driver's license test? No failure here. *grins*

If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? I'm not sure... maybe da Vinci? It seems he would be a nice lunch companion, and would have a lot to talk about. Maybe, next time I'm on the holodeck...

What was the last film you saw at the movies? Movie Night on Enterprise... last time, it was "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade".

What was the last film you saw at home? I really don't recall... it's been too long.

What was the last book you read? The book of Shakespearean sonnets that Chakotay gave me as a gift. *grins*

What was the last CD you listened to? CD? That's obsolete. I just request tracks from the computer.

What do you have for breakfast? Tea, always... I'm less picky about food.

Can you touch your nose with your tongue? no

Can you roll your tongue? yes

How many keys on your key ring? I left my keys behind in 2009.

Where would you like to visit most? Anywhere new and hospitable.

Hobbies? Dancing, writing, sketching, singing or playing music.

Which single store would you choose to max your credit card? A bookstore - I feel like I need a library again.

What do you do most often when you are bored? Wander the ship, usually... I also try to find new ideas for Holodeck programs.

What words or phrases do you overuse? "I know." Hard not to use it, when you're listening to everything.

What words or phrases do your friends overuse? "This is going to be difficult." Yeah, I know. (See what I mean?)

Friend who lives farthest away? All of my old friends, from the past - far away in time and space and universe.

Greatest pet peeve? Acting without thinking about it.

Best thing in the world? Being in love, being able to explore the universe with the one I love.

When do you get up? Somewhere around 0900 hours, usually.

Bedtime? Sometime around midnight.

Last new thing you bought for yourself? I don't really buy stuff for myself, since I don't really have money. My personal items seem to come to me from friends or by accident.

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