Monday, June 8, 2009

Somewhat Voiceless, Mostly Harmless

There is a strange phenomenon going on, affecting people all through the multiverse. The slang for it is called Twitterjail, and I am within it right now. It is... depressing. I cannot speak to my crew at all, yet I can still hear them. I cannot interact... it is somewhat dim, and quiet otherwise.

However, there is enough light coming from my PADD so I can write.

The transfer to Voyager was a complete success. With my focus on Chakotay, it was hardly an issue to "will" myself there. The only real issue came when I arrived. I was on my feet... but something in my backpack shifted, and I almost fell over! Luckily, I appeared in Chakotay's quarters, so he was right there in front of me, and was able to stop my fall. I quickly discarded my backpack... no need to seem like a complete fool in the eyes of my love.

It turns out that my quarters... are right next door to his. There is merely a wall between us, instead of two hundred twenty years and seventy thousand light-years. It's... hilarious, really! Shara had stayed in those quarters, briefly, but was moved after the pheromones affected Chakotay too strongly. And now... they're mine. We brought my stuff over, got Lucio settled in his new tank (yes, my pet centipede made the crossing without too much trauma).

The world suddenly got bright again... I'm free from Twitterjail. Thank god.

I've already gotten a tour of Voyager, although some things have seemed rather familiar to me, due to my... knowledge. I even stopped by Sickbay, because I had an idea... follicle stimulation. I guess you could say I'm a little vain... but I felt that I needed a change, without going through the whole in-between phase between short hair and long hair. So... the Doc did the job... and it looks wonderful. I've heard wonderful things, from the crew and people on the outside... and of course, Chakotay loved it.

I gave my gifts to the Captain, and she was very pleased. However... things between us aren't easy. This is due to my relationship with Chakotay, being as close as it is. Kathryn and Chakotay... over time, they've grown to be best friends, and they came very close to having a romantic relationship of their own. But now, with my presence... Chakotay has gone as far as cancelling a dinner date with Kathryn, to be with me. It... hurt her. Even though I wasn't actively listening to their conversation, I sensed it. And then she kept having nightmares... I can't be sure exactly what was in them, but I can guess it had something to do with me, because she is reluctant to speak with me about them.
Chakotay says she's happy for us, and I suppose that's partly true... but she keeps having nightmares, and I keep worrying about her state of mind. I don't want my presence to be disruptive to her, and I want to help her... but I love Chakotay, and he loves me back. When I am with him... I feel safe, and like I never want to leave his side. He left me some gifts today - a fresh rose, and a book of Shakespeare's sonnets, in my office. That is also in addition of the model of UVM's green that he created... it sits on my desk, and I've enjoyed looking at the detail. We only visited it in dreams... but it's still beautiful.

This... is what I signed up for. A romance... a struggle with feelings... and a crew of wonderful people stuck so far from home. I know I am capable of going beyond what I feel, to put everyone else first... but it's still so hard, when I'm trying to figure out exactly what can and cannot be said. But I will prevail.

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